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Save The Date

Yard Sale June 3rd
            Riverfest June23rd-25th
160th Anniversary of Bridge Burning

Summer Tea July 22nd

Community Christmas November 26th

Caroles & Cookies Tour December 1st
Holiday Tea December 9th


Give Local York

Give Local York is a 24 - hour extravaganza for Non-profits of York County.  For  24 hours - from 12AM to 11:59 on May 5, 2023 donors may visit the secure site to donate to their favorite local non-profits.  Every dollar dfonatefd weill be enhanced with bonus funds provided by Give Local York sponsors -o making your donation stretch further .  In the past you have supported Historic Wrightsville, Inc. and we are taking this time to let you know that this giving opportunity is available to you.
Fro your convenience donations can be made on-line on May 5th with a $5 minimum donati8on biut no maximum donation limit or by dropping off at the museum (309
Locust Street) a "non-plastic" donation.  Board members will be at the museum form 4 to 7 PM on May 5th to help you process a donation if help is needed.
If you have already donated to Historic W
rightsville, Inc. we thank you most sincerely.  Your help makes it possible for us to better fulfill our mission of preserving and sharing the rich story of Wrightsville through our two museums  and through our entertaining events that inform our community and unite us wi8th our surrounding heritage.
For questions or concerns contact us at or 717-252-1169

Thanks for submitting!

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